"Hemorrhoids" are like Cushions, composed of arterio- venus channels & Connective tissues, in anal canal, which helps in regulation or control of stools. Due to excessive stress sometimes they become pathological or "Piles “with symptoms of Swelling & inflammation. Condition is known as "Varicose Veins inflammation" in ano-rectal region.
Piles can be internal & external & initially can be characterized by slight pain & itching sensation while defecation, later on it becomes worse with daily bleeding & pain along with external or internal lumps or lobules like structures. Piles can come at any age, but they’re most common in age groups of 45 to 65. It’s difficult to exactly know the number of people getting piles, but in UK, between four and thirty people in every 100 are thought to get piles or hemorrhoids in their life span piles are very common during pre & post pregnancy. They may develop due to hormonal changes (chemicals) in your body and the increased pressure in your abdomen, although doctors aren't sure. However condition improves & gets better once your baby is born.
Depending on the origin & morphology Piles or Hemorrhoids are broadly classified as
Piles don’t always cause pain or other symptoms. Other symptoms are
Modern Lifestyle, Junk food, Stress, improper eating habits accounted for a majority of Ano-rectal complications like Piles, Fissures & Fistula. In all Ano-rectal diseases major contribution is of a Varicose veins inflammation which in normal terms are swollen veins. There can be a lot of reasons for these ailments however the basic reasons are
Small changes in lifestyle can make your bowels regular & faeces soft, thus preventing constipation and piles.
Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are enlarged veins situated in or around the back passage (anus). They occur when these blood vessels become swollen or pathological.
Under pressure the blood vessels in and around the anus stretch & becomes inflamed. Chronic coughing and lots of heavy lifting are common ways that pressure in the abdomen is increased and that in turn results in increased pressure in the veins located around the anus. Pregnancy, being overweight and childbirth can also cause piles.
As straining on the toilet is one of the common cause for piles to develop, avoiding constipation and having to strain is important to improve symptoms. Eating a healthy diet, having plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables and other dietary fibre, drinking plenty of water, keeping active and keeping stress levels under control & proper sleep will help in regular & proper bowels. Ayurvedic ingredients like trifla are very common in avoiding constipation.
No, skin tags aren't the same as piles, but you may have them if you get piles. Usually, you won’t need any treatment for skin tags. Taking care to clean around any skin tags after every bowel movement will reduce soreness and itching
No. This is a very common belief but it’s a myth. Sitting on hard or cold surfaces may make haemorrhoids feel more uncomfortable for those people who already have them but will not actually cause Piles. Ignoring the urge to go to the toilet, inactivity, missing breakfast or eating on the go, however, can cause constipation, which makes straining and consequently haemorrhoids more likely.
Ice packs help reduce swelling and sitting in a warm bath filled with plain water for 5-10 minutes three times a day will relieve symptoms too. Try not to sit for long periods of time since this may cause more irritation. You can visit your Doctor for advice on treatment to relieve pain and irritation. Stool softeners can be used to get the bowels working properly again and help to eliminate the need to strain.
Make sure your diet contains plenty of fibre, drink lots of fluids and increase the amount of exercise you get. These measures will help prevent constipation, one of the main causes of Piles.
Sitting for long intervals on the same place increases the ano-rectal complications. Have regular breaks, in these breaks stand up and walk around. At lunchtime, take a walk, even just for minute or five.
Condition can become worsen with time, eventually leading to complications. Surgery is needed only in about 10% of patients with piles. So we should not delay in getting an early diagnosis & proper treatment. Ayurvedic medicines for piles are one of the best piles treatment options.