As per Ayurveda, any human body is free from disease until the three doshas Vaata, Pitta & Kafa are balanced. Any imbalance in Pitta dosha creates digestive disorders which in turn leads to vata dosha & causes inflammation of haemorrhoidal venous cushions.
Haemorrhoidal venous cushions are normal structures in ano-rectal region, present in every human being. They are highly sensitive & rich in vascular supply therefore very prone to engorge & prolapse. When these cushions get inflamed due to any stress, the condition is known as piles or hemorrhoids.
Basic mechanism of PF2-CURE® is to cure the varicose veins inflammation in ano-rectal region which helps these haemorrhoidal venous cushions to regain their normal state.
Strategy of majority of ayurvedic medicines is to improve the digestion process & makes the smooth motion of faeces & therefore their results are limited up to stoppage of bleeding & pain of bleeding piles only. However PF2-CURE® is specially designed ayurvedic formulation that can cure bleeding piles along with non-bleeding internal & external piles (hemorrhoids) lumps also.
PF2-CURE® plays a broad spectrum role as it