And like other people you too are
- Taking pain killers & NSAIDS & Injections
- Taking lengthy sessions of physiotherapies
- Feeding your skin diclofenac based creams
- Hopelessly rubbing well advertised ayurvedic oil
Ayurvedic Formulation
Bojoin is a powerful combination of seven ayurvedic ingredients including a most bio-available form of calcium Each and every ingredient of Bojoin is very high potency extract of herb in proper concentration & in bio-available format easily absorbed by human body.

ShyamaHaldi (Curcuma Cassia)
Shyamahaldi or Turmeric contains bioactive components like curcumin which act as potent anti-inflammatory & antioxidant at the molecular level by blocking NF-KB cycling responsible for increasing the production of inflammatory chemokines & cytokines in cells.
Anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin are almost equivalent to NSAIDS like diclofenac & ibuprofen however it doesn’t give side effects on vital organs like liver and kidney & improves cardiovascular profile of body.

Methi (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum)
Methi primarily contains linoleic acid &linolenic acid. As per the studies these compounds can easily bound to the oestrogen receptors & therefore exactly acts like a hormone. Oestrogen is known to maintain a bone density in women, however post menopause oestrogen level starts decreasing in women & leads to osteoarthritis & other bones & calcium related issues. In fact Methi plays an unmatched role as an alternative to oestrogen replacement therapy in arthritis.

Guggul (Commiphora Mukul)
Guggul is clinically proven in movement, stiffness or restriction of joints.It is having analgesic properties.it also maintains the lubrication of cartilage . And also very effective in treatment of rheumatism, backaches , sciatica, gout pain and deformed knee.

Harsingar (Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis)
Harsingar is also known as night jasmine or parijat. Leaves of Harsingar are known to have anti-inflammatory properties & as per the studies extract of Harsingar leaves is an excellent remedy for chronic fever, sciatica & rheumatism. Even Harsingar leaves give immediate relief in symptoms of chickungunya and dengue.

Hadjod (Cissus Quadrangularis)
CissusQuadrangularis or Hadjod is an ayurvedic herb used for strengthening bones and joints and promoting bone tissue development. Hadjod has plenty of calcium & magnesium along with anabolic steroids, resveratrol &flavanoids which promotes quick healing of fractures & gives relief in pain due to joint disorders therefore justifies its Sanskrit name “Asthisamharaka” which means “Herb which protects the bone from destruction”. Hadjod is known to promote proper bone cell growth & regeneration which ensures positive structural development of human body & effectively solves all spine related issues. Herb is known give immediate relief in serious issues like slip disk & spine degeneration.

Trifla (Three Myrobalans)
Triphala is an polyherbalayurvedic preparation which contains haritikibibhitiki and amla. Triphala is known to correct imbalances of all the three doshas- vata, pitta and kapha. Triphala improves digestion, cleanses colon & internal organs.
As per the recent studies triphala may combat the breakdown of cartilage and bones & reduces inflammation of bones in arithritisas per studies based in vitro .

Praval Pishti (Coral Calcium)
PravalPishti contains 100% natural coral calcium processed with rose water.Coral calcium is good source of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). It also contains magnesium and trace minerals.
However, coral calcium has chemical similarity with bicarbonate, but due to trace minerals, its chemical structure is similar to the human bones.
Predominantly used in conditions of calcium deficiency, PravalPishti is abundant in vitamin C and natural calcium which increases overall immunity and sustenance of healthy bones and teeth.
PravalPishti has anti-arthritic properties that heal arthritis pains and other joint pains. It contains calcium carbonate, magnesium and other trace minerals that help keep your bones strong. It is also required in the treatment of Osteoporosis.
Due to the presence of calcium and vitamin C, pravalpishtihelps to strengthen teeth, muscles, bones and cell membrane. It also helps the women after their menopause.

Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense)
As Red clover is rich in isoflavonestype of phytoestrogen which acts as mild estrogenin human body . As decreased level of estrogenis one of important cause of bone related issues in women . Some researches depicts a link between isoflavone intake and a decrease in osteoporosis.
Few researches shows that it helpful in controlling cholesterol levels , strengthen bones and also helps in controlling carcinogenic cells.